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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are fifth cousins blood related?

Question:ALL cousins are blood related, but it gets diluted.

Siblings share all of their DNA
First cousins share 1/2
Second cousins share 1/4
3rd - 1/8
4th - 1/16
5th - 1/32
etc. Just keep dividing by 2.

1/32nd is 3.125%

If you are wondering about romantic involvement with a 5th cousin, read

It has links to more informative sites on the subject. My jokes are better.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ALL cousins are blood related, but it gets diluted.

Siblings share all of their DNA
First cousins share 1/2
Second cousins share 1/4
3rd - 1/8
4th - 1/16
5th - 1/32
etc. Just keep dividing by 2.

1/32nd is 3.125%

If you are wondering about romantic involvement with a 5th cousin, read

It has links to more informative sites on the subject. My jokes are better.

Yes, someone 5 generations above had sex, and created a kid that related them.


another way to look at it..
1st cousins share grandparents
2nd cousins share gr grandparents
3rd cousins share gr gr grandparents
4th cousins share 3x gr grandparents (shorthand comes in)
5th cousins share gr gr gr gr grandparents.
(all above are the same generation number removed from common ancestor(s)

distant for most people, common thinking for genealogy nuts

YES, Their DNA will match as well.