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Position:Home>Genealogy> English vital records CD produced by the LDS?

Question:About ten years ago the LDS produced a CD that you could purchase that had various English records on it.
I used to own a copy of it but it was made to run on Windows 95 or something and eventually the more modern computers wouldn't run it (same happened with the 1881 census CDs they produced).
Has the information on that disc been made available anywhere since? I'm pretty sure it had records that are not included on the current online IGI.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: About ten years ago the LDS produced a CD that you could purchase that had various English records on it.
I used to own a copy of it but it was made to run on Windows 95 or something and eventually the more modern computers wouldn't run it (same happened with the 1881 census CDs they produced).
Has the information on that disc been made available anywhere since? I'm pretty sure it had records that are not included on the current online IGI.

Hey Thought Bandit,

Go to the LDS search, search for the name, then see if they have andy pedigree resource files found for the name. Follow the links, and if there is a CD, you will be able to find a way to purchase it. It is easier now than 10 years ago. Just be persistent. Alternatively, go to an LDS center.