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Position:Home>Genealogy> Trying to trace records of grandfather's time in NYPD early 1900's?

Question:These might be good sources to begin your search. You could ask the webmaster this question and see where he/she suggests that you go for the info. you seek.

New York City Police Museum

If you know what your grandfather's precinct would have been, you can find a direct link at:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: These might be good sources to begin your search. You could ask the webmaster this question and see where he/she suggests that you go for the info. you seek.

New York City Police Museum

If you know what your grandfather's precinct would have been, you can find a direct link at:

Your question came through to the UK & Ireland genealogy forum, you might like to re-direct your question to the USA genealogy forum. Just scroll down the page, and click on the USA flag.
They are much better qualified to answer a USA based question than we are here in the UK. They have some excellent researchers as well. There's Wendy C. Boomer Wisdom & Ted Pack.
Hope this helps.

This link takes you to free searches in NY state for searching. There are a few "professional licenses searches" good luck!

click on "new york"