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Position:Home>Genealogy> What can you tell me about the last names..?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: milller

This is what has to say about the first three names,
Miller Name Meaning and History
English and Scottish: occupational name for a miller. The standard modern vocabulary word represents the northern Middle English term, an agent derivative of mille ‘mill’, reinforced by Old Norse mylnari (see Milner). In southern, western, and central England Millward (literally, ‘mill keeper’) was the usual term. The American surname has absorbed many cognate surnames from other European languages, for example French Meunier, Dumoulin, Demoulins, and Moulin; German Mueller; Dutch Molenaar; Italian Molinaro; Spanish Molinero; Hungarian Molnár; Slavic Mlinar, etc.
Southwestern and Swiss German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Müller (see Mueller).
Fisher Name Meaning and History
English: occupational name for a fisherman, Middle English fischer. The name has also been used in Ireland as a loose equivalent of Braden. As an American family name, this has absorbed cognates and names of similar meaning from many other European languages, including German Fischer, Dutch Visser, Hungarian Halász, Italian Pescatore, Polish Rybarz, etc.
In a few cases, the English name may in fact be a topographic name for someone who lived near a fish weir on a river, from the Old English term fisc-gear ‘fish weir’.
Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a fisherman, Yiddish fisher, German Fischer.
Irish: translation of Gaelic ó Bradáin ‘descendant of Bradán’, a personal name meaning ‘salmon’. See Braden.
Mistranslation of French Poissant, meaning ‘powerful’, but understood as poisson ‘fish’ (see Poisson), and assimilated to the more frequent English name.
Sullivan Name Meaning and History
Irish: reduced form of O’Sullivan, an Anglicized form of Gaelic ó Súileabháin ‘descendant of Súileabhán’, a personal name composed of the elements súil ‘eye’ + dubh ‘black’, ‘dark’ + the diminutive suffix -án.
I couldn't find anything in connection with the fourth and final name, sorry.

Practically nothing..... I know 3 people with the last name fisher and that's about it

One of my good friends has the last name Miller, I used to go to school with a girl that had the last name Fisher, and I've heard of many people with the last name Sullivan.

I have never heard of the last name Eltantawy. To be honest, it looks like a typo.

As many english names described occupations . .
eg smith for blacksmith, cooper maker of barrels, fletcher maker of arrows . .

Miller would be someone who milled grain into flour,

Fisher was probably a fisherman.



The last two you would need the ethnic origin of the name. I imagine Sullivan is gaelic and the last one???

Hope this helps has this about Sullivan:
Irish: reduced form of O’Sullivan, an Anglicized form of Gaelic ó Súileabháin ‘descendant of Súileabhán’, a personal name composed of the elements súil ‘eye’ + dubh ‘black’, ‘dark’ + the diminutive suffix -án.
Eltantawy is possibly a middle eastern name.
Miller and Fisher are pretty self explanatory as far as meaning.

No one here is going to know anything specific about any last name without googling for the information on another website.......which you could do yourself. That is not the type of random trivia that people know about.

The first three names seem to have been explained above.
Eltantawy, is Egyptian, El-Tantawy, El-Tantawi.
(occasionally Al-T.....)
Sorry I don't know the meaning of Tantawy though.