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Position:Home>Genealogy> Were can i see Horton Hears a who online for free. I Realy want to see it.?

Question:try, they have movies too

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: try, they have movies too

nowhere b/c its only in theatres, you'll need to cough up the money to see it in the theatre if you want to that bad. Sorry!

Then pay the money to see it in the theatre.

It is a really cute movie. Me and the family took it in on Saturday. You might want to try to catch the matinee if you want to see it soon, but pay less. If you cut out the snacks at the snack bar, then you will save even more. The matinee we caught was $5.50 for adults, not a bad amount for a couple of hours entertainment.

There is no LEGAL way you can see it without putting forth the money. The illegal copies on the internet are generally videotaped illegally in the movie theatre and are of poor video quality. Many times, you see parts where a blanket is thrown over the camera so the person taping it doesn't get caught by theater employees.

I do think it's worth watching it in theaters. One sequence near the end has a good bass thump that is timed perfectly. I saw it twice and must say I'll be buying the DVD.