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Position:Home>Genealogy> My dad has brown eyes and my mum has blue eyes.?

Question:Me, my brother and sister all have blue eyes. How come when brown eyes are meant to be dominant. Or was i taught wrong in school?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Me, my brother and sister all have blue eyes. How come when brown eyes are meant to be dominant. Or was i taught wrong in school?

No, you weren't taught wrongly - but simply because brown eyes are normally dominant doesn't mean they ALWAYS are. If you re-read Mendel's laws and experiments, you will find that even with pure-bred strains, there is a 25% chance one parent will dominate, a 25% chance the other will and a 50% chance that the children will have mixed characteristics.So, even though you have blue eyes, if you marry someone with blue eyes, it is still possible for you to have a brown eyed child. And in your case, there may be a recessive blue gene in your dad's background.

Brown eyes are D but remember your dad must be a blue eye carrier so each child has 50/50 chance of blue eyes

Our son has the most beautiful blue eyes that I have ever seen. My husband's eyes are brown and so are mine. My grandmother had the same color of blue and so did my husband's mother.

I have even seen African Americans with blue eyes although, very rare.

Combining recessive genes from both parents frequently brings out those traits. Your mother can carry strong recessive blue eyed genes and be brown eyed simply because the brown eyed gene is dominant.

My mother was brown eyed and I have blue. My paternal grandmother was brown eyed and my Daddy had sky blue eyes.

Often times what you are taught in High School biology class is not as complete as it should be.

Actually two blue eyed people CAN have a brown eyed child. They can both carry weak recessive brown eyed genes and when you combined the weak recessive brown eyed genes from both parents, it is not impossible for them to have a brown eyed child. That came from a man who had a PHD in genetics and was on the staff of Texas A & M.