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Position:Home>Genealogy> I want my son's second name is Pancho, just asking for a first name?

Question:i want my son's first name in spanish and has a beautiful meaning in it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want my son's first name in spanish and has a beautiful meaning in it.

FYI--"Pancho" is a nickname for the Spanish given name of "Francisco" as well as the English given name of "Francis" (which is shortened as "Frank"), so you might name your son Francisco or Francis, instead. That way, he would have the choice as an adult whether to be called Frank or Pancho. I teach a lot of ESL students who actually prefer to use the English version of the Spanish name, so be forewarned that he might actually wish to be known by the English translation. Some names that go well with Francisco/ Francis in either Spanish or English include Jaime Francisco (James Francis) and Juan Francisco (John Francis), which has a presidential ring to it.

P. S. Jaime/James is a translation of the Hebrew Jacobus, meaning "supplanter" or "wrong-doer" while Juan/John is a Hebrew translation of "God is gracious".

..... what?

Please do not name ur child Pancho even if its his second name. Try something else.

How about Javier or Alejandro?

If Pancho was to be his first name, then Villa!

Alberto would be my choice. You must ask yourself if you would have been happy and honored if that was your name. Let your decision be based on that question.

Pancho is a nickname for Francisco, and I think it's usually best to give a child the real name rather than a nickname derived from it--Elizabeth instead of Betty, for example. In any case, if you give your son Francisco (or Pancho) as a middle name and want another Spanish name for his first name, I think one that doens't end in o would be preferable (although InChrist's suggestion of Alejandro has appeal). Or you could Hispanicize your father's name for your son.