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Position:Home>Genealogy> Help trying to find out about my culture...?

Question:If i were to give you the details about my family (there race) as detailed as possible, would you be able to tell me what my three main races are? Just so I can classify myself.

My grandmother on my mums side is from England, As far as i know her whole family were english.
My grandfather on my mothers side is Spanish, Both of his parents were from Spain.

My grandmother on my fathers side is Scottish, English, Welsh and Slavic.
My grandfather on my fathers side is English, Scottish and Irish.

What are my three main races?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If i were to give you the details about my family (there race) as detailed as possible, would you be able to tell me what my three main races are? Just so I can classify myself.

My grandmother on my mums side is from England, As far as i know her whole family were english.
My grandfather on my mothers side is Spanish, Both of his parents were from Spain.

My grandmother on my fathers side is Scottish, English, Welsh and Slavic.
My grandfather on my fathers side is English, Scottish and Irish.

What are my three main races?

I am going to give my standard cut-and-paste vocabulary lesson here that no one ever seems to like, but screw them. At least I am trying to educate on the difference, as people often get these terms mixed up and use them inappropriately.

NATIONALITY is that of whatever country you are born and raised in. If you were born and raised in Canada, then you are Canadian, regardless of your race, ethnicity, heritage, or genetic make-up.

RACE is a human population considered distinct based on physical characteristics (usually skin color).

ETHNICITY is a term which represents social groups with a shared history, sense of identity, geography and cultural roots which may occur despite racial difference or place of birth.

"Irish" or "Scottish", etc., are not races. They are "ethnicity" or "heritage" if you have ancestors who were Irish or Scottish; and they are "nationalities" if you are born and raised there.

Based on what little I know about you from your question, I would say you are a white (race) American (nationality) with English, Irish, Spanish, Scottish, Welsh, and Slavic heritage.

Check out, where you can track your lineage.

What race?? mmmmm... white? caucasian??

You should realize that even your ancestors in each of these countries have mixed with many many other travellers in European history,,, and many in these countries arrived from other places througout central Asia,, the Middle East, and India.

You know that Spain was ruled by the Moors for hundreds of years. they were from Northern Africa,,, I guess you could say they were racially "arabian" ... leaving a sort of darker shade of white in spain. You should read up on some European history if you are curious about this stuff.

Do you know the story of the gypsies?? They are in every corner in Europe,,, and many white europeans have gypsy predecesors..... Did you know that gypsies came from India?? What I'm saying is,,, many many people in Hungary and Ukraine have family members in there past from Mongolia ,,, many Europeans have past members in their family tree from India and Turkey....

If you want to break down your "race" in this way... you can't put one label on where you came from.

As far as I know,,, my family is all Scottish. But when I look in the mirror,, and people ask me,,, I look Italian,, hispanic, greek,, whatever,,, a "darker" shade of white if you will...
I don't know how or who,,, but that's the way it is in Europe.

Sounds like 100% caucasian.

you look middle european with a lovely hodgepodge of genetics to ensure excellent survival rate in the genetics dog eat dog world.but mostly you are a pom,a senorita and a wee lass from up yonder