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Position:Home>Genealogy> My gg-grandfather died in England in 1920, how can I get a copy of his will (if

Question:I've just found what looks like the death of my gg-grandfather Richard DONALD in Kensington 1920 on freebmd.
We have always wondered how his granddaughter managed to own a house and would like to get a copy of his will to see if he left her anything.
I would have to be able to order it online since I don't live in England.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've just found what looks like the death of my gg-grandfather Richard DONALD in Kensington 1920 on freebmd.
We have always wondered how his granddaughter managed to own a house and would like to get a copy of his will to see if he left her anything.
I would have to be able to order it online since I don't live in England.

I did a search of the indice on and found your g/g/ grandfather, if you decide that you would like to order the death certificate. The registration was made in the J/F/M quarter of 1920, here are the details.
Richard Donald. 84 Kensington Vol 1a Page172.
You will need the volume and page number to keep the cost of the certificate down, and to enable you to order on-line.
The will is not so straight forward. I have found this address for you, these people will be able to advise you as to where you may find details of the will.

Royal Borough Council of Kensington and Chelsea Council
Contact point Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council Address The Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX Phone number 020 7361 3000 Fax 020 7938 1445 Email address Website (opens new window)
There is another site that may be able to help you out with locating the will,
There is a contact phone number on all three sites.
Hope this helps.

Trace back your generations of family..whom ever is closest to his time, or closest to him should know to go about doing this. (alive ones that is)

It doesn't work like that.

Wills are not viewable online.

Probate attorney