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Position:Home>Genealogy> What ethnicity do I look like?

Question:From this picture can you tell my ethnic background?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: From this picture can you tell my ethnic background?

You're ethnicity is from the country called "Show Off."


Caucasian?! LOL.

I don't know!


You are an Urhcon from the planet Belzar. I can tell because you don't have gills.

Swede? Oh, I know! Viking!

white???? European?? is your hair dyed???

swedish or germanic. but mst swedes are very lean. perhaps the ability to gain muscle like that (stockier build) makes you from the french or other central eurocountries.


i think you look like a Aussie mate!!! maybe from Sydney or Brisbane?

Britain Possibly? The sun behind you makes eveything tricky, i think you live in Australia, but have ancestry from UK, certainly from NW europe.