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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where would I find information on a trust fund left by a family member who has d

Question:Trust documents do not get filed by the court. The trustee is named and you need to know who the legal representative of the trust is in order to get information.

That doesn't mean there isn't oversite. The trust has to register with the IRS to get an FEIN and the State because of the fiduciary relationship. You can check with the Secretary of State in your state to see if the Trust was registered. You can also check with the major banks in the area to see if one is holding the trust for your benefit. Otherwise, you're out of luck.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Trust documents do not get filed by the court. The trustee is named and you need to know who the legal representative of the trust is in order to get information.

That doesn't mean there isn't oversite. The trust has to register with the IRS to get an FEIN and the State because of the fiduciary relationship. You can check with the Secretary of State in your state to see if the Trust was registered. You can also check with the major banks in the area to see if one is holding the trust for your benefit. Otherwise, you're out of luck.

If you are the recipient of the Trust then the deceased's lawyers will contact you. If you are not the recipient then it may legally be none of your business.

Wills and bequests are normally matters of public record. How else can anyone be sure that matters are being dealt with in accordance with the wishes of the deceased.

You can trace this through the probate records (in English Law Probate is granted to allow someone to administer the Estate and applies in US, Canada and Australia also). Look for the local probate registry and get in touch with them.