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Position:Home>Genealogy> I looking for my family the page family ancestors were irish and cherokee?

Question:my family any body related to us

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my family any body related to us

One thing that many people don't understand, is that genealogy normally will focus on dead ancestors..AND almost all reputable genealogy sites avoid (even prohibit) using information about living persons. In other words... no one here, or anywhere, should be able to determine info concerning your parents.
What you need to do, is your basic groundwork. Use personal records at home.. ie parents birth certificate, so forth, to work back to grandparents, gr grandparents. You don't need to post living people online.. and it often actually backfires. In other words.. the further back you go.. the BETTER your odds, mathematically, that you will find relatives.
You might stop by, and take a few minutes to read their guide for tracing families.

You are probably 18, give or take a few years, and your parents were 20 - 40 when you were born, again probably, so they were born 1950 - 1970, unless they were not.

Most of the genealogical data on the Internet is about people born before 1930, and the vast majority of it is about people born before 1900. If you can find out your grandparents' or great-grandparents' names (maiden names for women), their birth year and birth place (town, COUNTY, state), someone may be able to give you a couple of clues.

You undoubtedly have peope related to you. Finding them is the hard part. Your chance of making a connection here in the 3 - 5 days your question is open is minimal. Your chance of a complete stranger who is warm, wise, witty and devilishly handsome (All10 of us in the top 10 are like that) helping you get started is pretty good, IF you can give us a starting point of someone who was alive in 1930 or earlier.