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Position:Home>Genealogy> Name Meleah?

Question:Well my name is Meleah Middle name is Frances. Growing up hated having such a different name. Know I like having a name most people don't have nor have never heard of. Though it is getting very popular.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well my name is Meleah Middle name is Frances. Growing up hated having such a different name. Know I like having a name most people don't have nor have never heard of. Though it is getting very popular.

Meleah, what is your question?

wow its a pretty name

I understand that at first you feel awkward having a different name - but as you mature and discover your unique attributes it will be refreshing to have a name that stands out

you will make an impression in this competative world by just your name, and the best part is you define it yourself

we all have preconceived notions of johns, mary-ies, nancy-s, linda-s - but you alone will define your name/identity - you're quite lucky