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Question:Does anybody know a website where I can check the african ancestry for any african american

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anybody know a website where I can check the african ancestry for any african american

Thousands of persons, both African American and others, have successfully used the internet to find their lineage. The trick is in an understanding of HOW it works to your advantage.
There are not websites that you simply type in someone's name, and out pops their ancestry. Think about a jigsaw puzzle, instead of a completed painting. You find the PIECES, and learn how to fit them together. Exactly what those pieces are, where to find them, and how they fit, is completely unique to each person, when they lived, where they lived.
The basic concept is to ALWAYS start with yourself, and work backwards... and each step, you utilize records/ documents that confirm your facts. For today, you would begin with your birth certificate, that id's your parents. From there, you work with documents relating to your parents. Once you 'hit' 1930 and before, you will look for them in census records, as well as other records.
No one denies that once you hit the 1860s and before, it will become much more difficult. PBS has been running a great series, on this topic.. the key point is that you may be surprised by what IS there.
Here is one site I suggest to all beginners. You can also look at her area that focuses on African American research topics.
Above all.. I strongly advise that instead of thinking of just websites.. think about RECORDS, and the many places they might be. Much comes with experience. If you expect it all packaged and complete, you will often be disappointed. has a good site. I did my husbands family tree and found most of the info on this site. Your local state library has records also