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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anyone have a family snapshot of a young family member in the arms of their 2nd

Question:A question from "Steffi" got me going on this. I find tree oddities interesting, especially when they repeat themselves.

Watch out! Next, I'll ask you if you're a distant cousin to your mother!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A question from "Steffi" got me going on this. I find tree oddities interesting, especially when they repeat themselves.

Watch out! Next, I'll ask you if you're a distant cousin to your mother!

I do have a copy of a five generation picture with my grandmother as the great great grandparent, my aunt as the great grandparent, my cousin as the grandparent, her son as the parent and his son as the baby. I think that THAT is really cool. The generations were really short in that family.

My cousins have a family picture taken 2 years ago with baby (5 mos.) mother (19) grandmother (41) great grandmother (72) and great-great grandma (94). And of course the youngest was placed on great-great grammies lap.