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Position:Home>Genealogy> What ethnic background do i look like?

Question:(Im just using this as a bit of fun so I'm not going to read into to much of what people say!)

((Im just using this as a bit of fun so I'm not going to read into to much of what people say, ill reveal the correct answer with the best one.)

(Sorry for the poor quality pictures)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: (Im just using this as a bit of fun so I'm not going to read into to much of what people say!)

((Im just using this as a bit of fun so I'm not going to read into to much of what people say, ill reveal the correct answer with the best one.)

(Sorry for the poor quality pictures)


Your pix aren't uploading...the link doesnt work.

You look WASPy to me =)

your links don't work

the links don't work
Edit: you look Caucasian to me.

German, Polish

Links don't work

you look a bit german maybe ulkraine around that area you know

Perhaps some German bloodlines.
Norwegian too.

This is the genealogy forum, is there a connection between the subject and your question.


German or Swedish


You look like you might be Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish or German. Just because of the very light skin and the very blue eyes.

Slavic. Perhaps Polish, Ukranian or Russian.

Bangledeshi, Indian, Afghan etc.
from the indian sub-continent