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Question:What is p-diddys son last name.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is p-diddys son last name.

Sean John ("P-Diddy") Combs has never married but is the father of five biological children and one through adoption. His ex girlfriend Kimberly Porter gave birth to a son, Quincy Jones Brown jr, (December 1991) with 80's New Jack Swing romantic singer/producer Al B Sure, whom Combs later claimed. Combs's first biological offspring is a son, Justin Dior Combs (December 1993), from his relationship with high school sweetheart designer Misa Hylton-Brim. His second child is son Christian Casey Combs (April 1998) with Kim Porter. Combs' third child (and first daughter) is Chance Chapman Combs (August 2006) with Sarah Chapman. After initially denying the paternity of Chance, DNA tests revealed that Puff Daddy was in fact her father. Four months later Kim birthed Combs' twin daughters D'Lila Star Combs and Jessie James Combs . (December 21, 2006).Yes, Sarah Chapman and Kim Porter were pregnant at the same time.

Looks to me, other than his first child, all their last names are Combs. His own parents are Janice and Melvin Combs.

That is not a genealogy question. This is the genealogy forum.