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Position:Home>Genealogy> I think I am distantly related to Hillary Clinton...?

Question:My Great Uncle (my father's Uncle) is Hillary Clinton's 7th cousin once removed. My dad says this makes him Hillary's 8th cousin once removed, and so I am her 9th cousin 1 removed. Is that true?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My Great Uncle (my father's Uncle) is Hillary Clinton's 7th cousin once removed. My dad says this makes him Hillary's 8th cousin once removed, and so I am her 9th cousin 1 removed. Is that true?

I think it's cool. I know very little about my family. Your lucky.

why does it matter, you won't get anything from her.

I believe it does. I'm sorry.

Unless your great uncle is related to her through the same parent as your grandparent, you aren't related to her at all. And if your grandparent is her 7th cousin once removed, that would make you her 7th cousin 3x removed.

Could be... I'm sorry

Lets see 8th cousin means your 5th Great Grandparents

This should help

I think what you're saying is true.

Don't tell anyone!!! Run and hide now before people start coming for you!!!!:-) jk jk

Sorry if it's true . . . and I wouldn't be telling people

don't know. how will that help you?