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Position:Home>Genealogy> genealogical research?

Question:Have any of you experienced it? Few of my 'cousins' and I have, feeling that our long, lost ancestors are actually helping.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Have any of you experienced it? Few of my 'cousins' and I have, feeling that our long, lost ancestors are actually helping.

I have a tree with deep roots. It was once considered that your bloodline was so important that hereditary titles and rights were bestowed. One of my ancestors was so successful in fighting the Roman invasion of England that a King bestowed such rights on all his descendants in perpetuity. Whenever I receive a compliment on my nature I remember to thank my ancestors who bestowed me with health and intelligence. They are always here with me.

yes, i've been doing genealogy for years and it was going very slow, then my mother died. Now every time i do a search and ask a question out loud i am led to the answer very easily. it's almost like i'm being showed where to go by my dead ancestors. my mother was very secret when she was alive.


Are you talking about looking for something and finding out something unexpected and totally awesome and different? If so, I have found out lots of things I found out that was so awesome. I wish we could talk about things. I have a very interesting family and well known also. It is cool !!!! On my daddys' mothers side. I have to try and learn more about finding my ancestors on the other sides. Talk to ya later!!!!!!!!!!!