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Position:Home>Genealogy> My husband was adopted from Vietnam, does he look mixed with something?

Question:He was adopted when he was a baby and there are no records of his biological parents. We know he is Vietnamese.
Everyone in his family thinks he's mixed with Chinese as well....because of his cheeks. I personally think he's mixed with French. Any ideas? Here are some pictures.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He was adopted when he was a baby and there are no records of his biological parents. We know he is Vietnamese.
Everyone in his family thinks he's mixed with Chinese as well....because of his cheeks. I personally think he's mixed with French. Any ideas? Here are some pictures.

I'm half Vietnamese myself, and I constantly getting pigeonholed as a different race as like your husband.

In my opinion, your husband is full Vietnamese. Why he may look a little off is he was raised in America. Just the difference in food will make him taller and bigger than the typical Vietnamese. He can easily pass as one of my Vietnamese cousins.

By the way.. You two look great together!

I second you on that

he has darker skin so yes i would say french as well Possibly (but very unlikely) new zealand.

You can't look at people and know what they are mixed with. It is not a very accurate way to do genealogy.