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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the surname 'Ordenes' come from?

Question:I searched for Ordenes and found a town or village named ordenes, now Ordes, in Galicia, Spain, I needed more Info,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I searched for Ordenes and found a town or village named ordenes, now Ordes, in Galicia, Spain, I needed more Info,

This is a very rare name in the census.
When a family has the surname of a geographical area, it means that sometime in the past, the family lived there but moved away. The family may have been called "John from Ordenes and his family", and gradually it became their surname.
My own surname came the name of the farm in Norway that the family emigrated from.
Don't forget that you have other surnames from your past that are just as much of your history.

maybe greece