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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is Thomas Hewitt and Ed Geins the same person.?

Question:I am trying to distinguish between the two,Thomas Hewitt aka leatherface but Ed Geins was from Wisconsin and leatherface was from Texas.Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am trying to distinguish between the two,Thomas Hewitt aka leatherface but Ed Geins was from Wisconsin and leatherface was from Texas.Thank you

I still remember the newspaper articles about Ed Gien from my childhood. It filled the papers for weeks. If I remember correctly, when they arrested him, there was a pot simmering on the stove. and a half butchered body in the shed. I don't know about any movies he may have inspired, but I do know about some nightmares.

Firstly, it's Ed Gein. The leatherface character was based on Ed Gein, a real person. Leatherface is just a character.

Thomas Hewitt is fictional.

Ed Gein was the real deal. Psycho was loosely based off of this guy btw.

Though the names are strikingly similar I still believe they are two individuals.

Letherface was based roughly on Ed Gein. That is so they can say that the movie is based on true events. Ed Gein killed a local store clerk, cannibalized, and skinned her. He was also notorious for digging up graves and mutilating the body's of recently buried people. He did in fact make a suite of human skin and that's where that come from.

a bunch of Gein facts.....