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Position:Home>Genealogy> Which color is master of all colors? and why?

Question:Black; because it absorbs all other colors in it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Black; because it absorbs all other colors in it.


It is a dominant color.

"I see a red door and I want to paint it BLACK!!!" Because it devours all other colors!!! Besides, you can't change the color of a black heart! Ha-Ha!!!

blue........of all the colors god chose that for the sky.and umm i dont think black is really a color.

I'm not sure what do you mean by the master of colour. But i did this experiment in highschool where when you spirl a series of colour, it will end up showing only white in the end. So, I think white is the master you meant.

Another opinion of mine is that might be black or grey, as things cant show their colour when there's so light.

I think WHITE, because it has all other colors in it.

White is a combination of ALL colors (if you put all the colors on a wheel and spin it, you will see white), whereas black is the absence of colors, so it's not technically a color. So technically, if you separate all the colors from white, you will get a rainbow. Rainbow is a symbol of God's promise, as it said in the Old Testament, after the flood, that God showed the rainbow as his forgiveness as well as for a fresh start. Then if you put all the colors back together, it becomes white, which is the color of purity, such as the white lamb (allusion to Jesus), white robes (book of Revelation), and white lotus (in Eastern spiritual philosophy).

All you have here is a bunch of opinions. No one cited any internet sources of facts to back up their claim that you can go look at and read for yourself to see that they are right..........

AND, this is the GENEALOGY forum......we research our familiy trees...........and this has NOTHING to do with colors.

Well, if you think, all colors can mix. But if you mix all colors, you are left with white.

The sum of all colors is black. The absents of all colors is white...always. I am a color mixer, I should know.
But I think, because you are in the genealogy form that this is not what you want to know.
You want to know what is the master race color when humanoids ventured out of Africa some 100,000 years ago. Since we needed the melinola to absorb the sun I would figure that originally our ancestors were black/brown. The white race came about when that group moved to climates that were in the north and had less exposure to the sunlight.

Black is not a color - it is the absence of color.

White is the spectrum/combination of all colors - and although I've never heard the term "master" applied in this context, it would be the one.