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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a way to get my grandfather's military records?

Question:he passed away about 13 years ago and would like to know where he served and what kind of medals he may have won.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: he passed away about 13 years ago and would like to know where he served and what kind of medals he may have won.

I've gotten medal and general service records on people there, but be aware that there is a huge gap in records due to a fire in the 70's.

You may need to get proof of his death and/or how you are related to him. They're fussy about sending out records and keep many of them private.

Good luck!

If you could edit your question and let it be known what country your grandfather lived when he was in the military, that will help the researcher to give you an accurate answer.

Write to the Veterans Affairs group in Washington, DC for advise on this issue. Most current Veteran Military records are kept in the St.Louis, MO Veterans Recods Archive. You can write THERE but your letter may NOT get the immediate response you want. Of course, be prepared to guve as MUCH pertinent information about him as you can INCLUDING his Service INDUCTION number, branch, time of service etc. The more infor the more helpfel to them trying to find the rescords as the FIRST piece of info you give may be missing.

Good luck.