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Position:Home>Genealogy> Birth and death records?

Question:Do they have the persons parents name is both of them?
I want to get my grandfathers death record but i want to know if my great grandparents name will be on it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do they have the persons parents name is both of them?
I want to get my grandfathers death record but i want to know if my great grandparents name will be on it?

On the birth certificate both the parents are named, on the death certificate only the deceased and the informant are named.

I would also like to know this.

How do you go about getting deceased person's birth certificates?

For birth certificates..........
Parents are listed. You can get a copy of a birth certificate IF you can show that you are entitled to it.....meaning you have to be a direct ancestor or direct descendant of the person listed on the birth certificate (you have to be their child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, etc.).

For death certificates..........
I think this has changed some over time. I have a copy of my great-grandfather's death certificate. He died in 1955. It has the name of the informant on it, which was his 2nd wife at the time (not my great-grandmother, who was his first wife). As for parents, it had the first name of his father listed, but for mother it said unknown, because the informant did not know the information. I am not sure about the requirements to get a copy of a death certificate. I got mine from my great aunt who is the daughter of the deceased, so she had a copy.

-on a birth certificate you will have both great grand parents names on but on a death certificate only his next of kin will be on it ie a wife- son- or- daughter etc,