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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is taylor swift country or not they say she is?

Question:You can normally find her music filed in the country music genre. She has a pretty voice and I guess that you can classify it any way you want. Look at the Eagles. When they were popular they were "Rock 'n Roll" , however, now you hear a whole lot of their songs on country music stations.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can normally find her music filed in the country music genre. She has a pretty voice and I guess that you can classify it any way you want. Look at the Eagles. When they were popular they were "Rock 'n Roll" , however, now you hear a whole lot of their songs on country music stations.

I think you'll get a much better response to your question in the celebrity forum, unless Taylor Swift is one of your dead ancestors, your question came through to the genealogy forum;_ylt=Ah...
hope this helps.

Who cares. You either like her songs or not. The rest is not relevant to anything.

This is the genealogy forum. You did not ask a genealogy question.