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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can I get the names and addresses of Lutheran churches in small towns in G

Question:I'm looking for names of my ancestors, and churches are a good source of information.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for names of my ancestors, and churches are a good source of information.

You might try the internet. Do you know what area of Germany your ancestors were from? Do you know the names of the towns? If so, check for genealogic associations in those areas. They may be able to provide you with that information. Also try the message boards on and You can put out a question as to where you can obtain that information. I checked the white page and yellow page listings in the towns where my ancestors were from in Germany. I even found a distant relative that way. Good luck. I am sure the real genealogists will have some suggestions too. You might also try your local Lutheran Church to see if they have any listings. Many records were destroyed during WWII Be prepared to hire someone to translate though because there are not too many people around who can still translate the old German.

If you can read German, websites like:

may be good places to start.

google it they know everything

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