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Position:Home>Genealogy> Aubrey & Audrey, good name for twin girls?

Question:what do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what do you think?

Horrible - they sound too much alike. You'd call one for a chore and she'd tell you she didn't come because she thought you meant the other one. If you calle done for a treat they would both show up.

At age 16, a phone call comes, Johnny Wonderful says "May I speak to Audrey, please?" only he's chewing gum, you call Aubrey to the phone, he says "Hey, sweeheart, want to go to the prom with me?", she accepts, he says "wait a minute - umm - are you the one with long hair or short?", he finds out you gave him the wrong twin, she breaks into tears and never speaks to her sister again. I've seen it happen dozens of times.

Pick names that start with the same letter if you must - Elizabeth and Eloise or Charlotte and Carol, or Mary and Margaret - but make sure they sound different, even when spoken over a bad connection or called out the back door over the dog's barking.

Thats annoying but fine.

no, way too similar

Really cute until they start walking and you have to scream their names.

not my fav of names.

It might get really confusing . . .

I'd go with one or the other. They sound too much alike. If they are twins they will have a lot in common already so giving them different names will probably allow for them to have more of a sense of idenity later on.

I love the name Audrey.

i think the names may be too similar but thats just my opinion.

Nope...too similar. They are already twins and have to share that, but to have names that are almost identical too? Give them each a totally different name so they can at least establish that part of their identity separate and apart from their sister.

Very bad idea. They sound too much alike and it's way too cutesy. The girls will grow up eventually - give them names they can live with, and not names that imply that their parents think they're permanently connected.

I think that Aubrey is the MALE form of Audrey. I have only heard of boys called Aubrey - still, times are a-changin'.

NOooo please dont do that !!do u have any clue how confusing that would be ? they would both think they were getting called when you yell out that name ? my friend has daughters named alyssa and elyza and they never know who you are trying to call for ..they are only 4 and 7 and you can tell they hate having similiar sounding names ....besides its also really cheesy !! give them seperate sounding names ..being twins is hard enough having to share everything .

super cute, but they will hate you

Gosh NO! I am SOOOOOOO sick of the name Brittany!

No. Too similar.
Give them different names. Nothing cutsie like that. It will only be annoying to them as they get older. Start off treating them as two very very different people.