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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does the surname miloskovich come from?

Question:tried some sites no luck thank s

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: tried some sites no luck thank s

There's a long strip of land stretching from Poland to the Baltic sea and eastward through Lithuania, the Ukraine and Belarus into Russia. That's where the name originated. It's what we call a patrynomic name, meaning that it came from calling someone "Milos' son" or "Milosk's son". I can tell you that Milos is a very common name right now in Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro, but I can also tell you that in the last 500 years it's been popular throughout Eastern and Central Europe. So there's no way of pinpointing which village your Milos lived in when his kids started using his name as their surname.

Sounds Slavic.



I was going to say it is a Czech name, but it may also be Russian. Anway it is very eastern European.


From Yugoslavia - specifically Serbia. Any time you see "ich" at the end of a surname, you can bet it's Slavic, & most likely Serbian. My grandfather was a Serb with an "ich"! LOL!

Sound me Serbs, most of Serbs have surname with end ich, also name Milosh is origin Serb name

>> our immigrant ancestors tended to be bad spellers

Many were literate in the Cyrillic, Hebrew or Greek alphabet. These were transliterated into the English (Latin) alphabet in all sorts of creative ways by government officials, his boss (who kept the paycheck info) and the immigrant himself. Czar, Tsar and Tchaikovsky all start with the same Cyrillic letter.
Time period, location and personal preference effected which of the "son of" endings was used -- witz, vitz, wich, vitch, etc.