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Position:Home>Genealogy> Firefox always crashes when I am on

Question:Needless to say, I am on every day. I do not want to use Internet Explorer. This happens when I go to open images; not all the time, but every day.

Does anyone else have this problem on Ancestry? Should I save my bookmarks file and reinstall Firefox or just use IE on that site? I hate IE.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Needless to say, I am on every day. I do not want to use Internet Explorer. This happens when I go to open images; not all the time, but every day.

Does anyone else have this problem on Ancestry? Should I save my bookmarks file and reinstall Firefox or just use IE on that site? I hate IE.

This is a known issue with the ancestry image viewer plug-in. Like it or not, IE has industry dominance (i.e. # users). So as often happens, the product is developed for the primary audience and then "back fit" to other audiences (like Firefox, Safari) etc.

In this case, there are definitely problems that can cause sporadic crashing when using Firefox.

There are two solutions. The first probably doesn't go well with the 20 yr old and under crowd who is convinced Firefox is better in all ways than IE. And that is to actually use IE for access to Ancestry. You don't have to use it for anything else if you don't want to, but take a clue from the business world. You use the best tool for the specific job, not always the best overall tool for multiple jobs. So keep your passion with Firefox for everything else (that works that is) but use IE for ancestry access.

There is a second solution that will let you keep using Firefox though. And that is to use the Internet Explorer Tab add-in for Firefox. You use to be able to get this at...

Then set it to automatically load ancestry pages in an IE tab in Firefox. That will probably take care of the problem. But it means you have <gasp> made Firefox almost Internet Explorer.

Remember, businesses are in "business", that is, they are actually trying to make money and optimize their investments (if you own a company's stock, you are probably pretty happy they do that). Most add-ins are written for IE and then back fit. Sometimes more successfully than others.


One other solution I forgot to mention. You can switch to the basic viewer instead of the enhanced viewer. It doesn't seem to have Firefox issues. Of course it also doesn't have the enhancements. But except for some bottom of page cut-offs, you can still see the images.

You do know about the "restore session" option in Firefox which lets you get right back where you were right? It makes the problem LESS annoying. Still annoying for sure, but less.


We use Firefox, had no far! Was most interested in what Mind Bender had to say...thanks! Didn't know that!

All I use is Firefox and I have not had that problem. I would reinstall Firefox and see if that fixes the glitch.

You may want to use both of them, but also remember that IE is much bigger, and access much more info then Firefox. Yes! It is always a good idea to save your file in the event that your files are lost or deleted by accident

However, I would not use Firefox for the researching of my ancestors since it does not have the capacity to hold files of large numbers as IE can.