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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know the origin of stick people?

Question:I'm just wonderin. =D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm just wonderin. =D

i thought this question was a joke, but i see people giving serious answers. oh well, it sure made me laugh.

Probably cave paintings

they come from matches and from the cave man days tha i do know

I think jupiter or maybe pluto. I think my neighbor is one.

I'm guessing cave drawings. Cavemen probably didn't have the brain capacities to draw detailed drawings.

I don't know the specifics of the origins, but if you think about it stick people may have originated given the types of "tools" (i.e. feathers, grasses, etc) that would have only given the ability to draw lines. Unlike todays paint brushes, yesterdays materials were limited.