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Position:Home>Genealogy> I need correct spelling for Irish girl's name.?

Question:Phoenetically it sounds like "Shivan."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Phoenetically it sounds like "Shivan."

Siobhan - The phonetic pronunciation you gave matches one of the Irish dialects closely.

For a small country, Ireland has at least 3 major dialects, so phonetic sounds don't always match, but this one is almost dead on.
Below is a link to a site that gives the pronunciation and meaning of the name.

Siobhan is another Irish form of Joan meaning "God is gracious." A popular name in Ireland where the Anglicized versions are often used. old roommate was irish and had the spelling...
its Gaelic(?)

I think you got the spelling right "Shivan".

(The project SHIVAN was created by Hrive in 1996 with the aim of playing original extreme music influenced by doom nuances.)

Siobhan. It's a pretty name

Siobhan "shiv + awn" Shevaun, Shavon, Chevonne Siobhan is another Irish form of Joan meaning "God is gracious." A popular name in Ireland where the anglicised versions are often used. Siobhan McKenna, an Irish actress who died in 1986, was considered by many as a woman who personified all that was good about being Irish.

Original spelling and Irish pronunciation - Siobhán - Shivawn.
Without the fada - which changes the short a sound to an 'aw' sound it's technically pronounced Shivan. Lots of people here in Ireland leave out the fadas in their names now though, it's a pity.