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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any websites that...?

Question:Are there any websites that say that genetics aren't real?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any websites that say that genetics aren't real?

Probably. If you look hard enough you can find ones that say the earth is flat and the sun goes around the earth, not vice versa.

People who breed smart hunting dogs, fast horses and fat cattle have known about genetics for 1,000 years or more; not the exact mechanism, but that the foal of two fast horses will be faster than the foal of two slow ones.

"Delivering a mulatto child" was grounds for divorce in the south from about 1650 onwards. Again, they didn't know the exact mechanism, but they knew the Mistress of the house wasn't frightened by a cup of coffee when she gave birth to a child whose skin was cafe au lait.

Are you thinking of evolution? There are a gazillion sites put up by fundamentalist Christians to dispute that particular theory.