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Position:Home>Genealogy> What heritage is the unibrow from?

Question:Is it from the Jewish heritage?? Cause I am Jewish or partly. If it is not then it might be traced back to some other race.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it from the Jewish heritage?? Cause I am Jewish or partly. If it is not then it might be traced back to some other race.

the other answers are entirely false. As a professor of hereditary genetics at SUNY-Rochester, a great deal of my research is spent on phenotypical inheritance. It has been established that persons of turkish descent are the originators of the unibrow. In all likelihood, your family has at least one turk hiding in it.

There is no such thing as a "heritage" for patterns of body hair! (and other Jews are likely to be very offended at what you are saying!)

If you are unhappy with it, just tweeze it out or look into having electrolysis.

If you are interested in researching your genealogy, see and click on "How do I get started? or "Research guidance."

The common ancestor of all unibrowers is the cave man. Some of us were blessed with more hair than others. It's not ethnic, it's just human.


I don't think its an ethnic thing I have jewish heritage and I don't have that problem