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Position:Home>Genealogy> Hungarian or Czech Last Name? TARDIK?

Question:I am marrying into a Hungarian Family, but no know's what their last name means, TARDIK, it could be Czech?
Does some one know where I can find this information?? There are not a lot of TARDIK's out there.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am marrying into a Hungarian Family, but no know's what their last name means, TARDIK, it could be Czech?
Does some one know where I can find this information?? There are not a lot of TARDIK's out there.

Tardík is a surname known in Slovakia, though not very frequent. Diminutive suffix "-ík" is quite common for surnames of Slovak and Czech origin. The meaning of the name is not clear for me. But it is nothing unusual, I am also a holder of surname with unknown meaning.


Could be Hungarian, but I doubt it. Sounds Turkish to me.

It's only a very small sampling, but Tardik (and similarly named) immigrants to Ellis Island came from Austria, Hungary, and Germany.

I am Czech and this name doesn't sound Czech to me.

So far, I haven't found the meaning of the name, but this lady
Maria Tardik was the mother of this lady (from
Ida Miski
Born: 1888
Fehergyarmat, Hungary
Died: 1985

Even an English-Hungarian Dictionary doesn't list the meaning of it. I did find out, however, that name order in Hungary has the surname (or byname, as it's called there) first, followed by the given name. So, in Hungary, the above lady's name would be written as Tardik Maria.