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Position:Home>Genealogy> Phone NUMBER for Edith Hammonds, Pine Knot, KYAge 80?

Question:Smith Genealogy Question and Answer

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Smith Genealogy Question and Answer

Shirley, there are people who will be mean about your question. Ignore them on the most part. Just know that Yahoo prohibits us from posting any contact information for people who aren't participating in the discussions. It's especially true of an 80 year old woman who might be pretty vulnerable to goofballs who make prank calls just to be cruel.

Can't you find a younger date ?

I checked and it's an unlisted number. (At least you know that either she or her husband is still living there, though.) I don't think you can get an unlisted number without a private detective.

Since the number is an unlisted one, try writing instead. Can't access my state maps, but I'll wager Pine Nut is not a big town, Post Master would be able to deliver the letter.