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Position:Home>Genealogy> PLEASE- How do pronounce the last name "Verme" ?

Question:I don't know languages and pronunciation, so what are you collective opinions?

1) Verme = VER-"MEH"
2) Verme = "Verm" with the e silent
3) something else?

tell me what language you think it is (italian, spanish, portuguese, etc)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know languages and pronunciation, so what are you collective opinions?

1) Verme = VER-"MEH"
2) Verme = "Verm" with the e silent
3) something else?

tell me what language you think it is (italian, spanish, portuguese, etc)

omgee another Portuguese person, I'm Portuguese too! and verme is parasite

I think it's pronounced Ver-Meh too.

at least in Portuguese, it is!

I would think the first choice, with an Italian accent.

No. 1 ----Italian

I can tell you that it is for sure a Portuguese word, and it means 'worm'.
The pronunciation in European Portuguese is as follows:
The first 'e' is open and it is read in the same way as in 'met'.
The second one is silent.

Note: In Brazilian Portuguese the pronunciation is different.