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Position:Home>Genealogy> Which race/ethnic background do i look?

Question:(Im just using this as a bit of fun so I'm not going to read into to much of what people say!)

(Sorry for the poor quality pictures, i dont mind to much how ugly i am either)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: (Im just using this as a bit of fun so I'm not going to read into to much of what people say!)

(Sorry for the poor quality pictures, i dont mind to much how ugly i am either)

Race is Caucasian. Ethnicity could be Irish, Scottish or Scandinavian. Will you reveal when the question is resolved?

You are cute......Defintely European roots....Perhaps your people are from Denmark...maybe England....

The human race :)

Since there is 'only' one race on this planet, I would say you definitely look human. As in the Human Race. I could be wrong though.


well he is white, american

I'd say Scandinavian

I would go with German.

You are confusing several issues here.

NATIONALITY is that of whatever country you are born and raised in. If you were born and raised in Canada, then you are Canadian, regardless of your race, ethnicity, heritage, or genetic make-up.

RACE is a human population considered distinct based on physical characteristics (usually skin color).

ETHNICITY is a term which represents social groups with a shared history, sense of identity, geography and cultural roots which may occur despite racial difference or place of birth.

The ONLY one of these that can one can possibly tell by a picture is race because it involves PHYSICAL characteristics. Nationality and ethnicity are not PHYSICAL characteristics. Therefore, it is impossible to identify those by a photo.

Your RACE is white. You need to trace your family tree to find your ethnic background. Your nationality is whatever country you were born and raised in, regardless of your race or ethnic background. (A person could be white, ethnic heritage is Italian, but they are Canadian, not Italian, if they were born and raised in Canada.)

I would say English or Scandinavian