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Question:How am I related to my cousin's cousin?
My cousin (lets call her Sarah) is my auntie's daughter. Sarah's cousin on her father's side is called, say, Ben.
Am I technically related to Ben?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How am I related to my cousin's cousin?
My cousin (lets call her Sarah) is my auntie's daughter. Sarah's cousin on her father's side is called, say, Ben.
Am I technically related to Ben?

assuming your aunt is one of your parents siblings and her husband; sarahs father is not a blood relation but simply her husband and therefore your uncle by marriage. then his siblings child is not related to you at all, only by marriage.

You're just cousins..

Not really no. Think so think anyway

No blood relation, but if I make sense of it right you are 'great cousins'?

not really as he is on a totally different side .
my aunt has a daughter and she is my cousin but her cousins on the married side arent really anything you could say distant cousins but its not really a blood link

Why do you need to know this are you going to marry this guy? if you ain`t then it don`t matter does it really.

I wouldn't go drawing up marriage plans just yet ;)

No you are not related in any way. To be cousins with someone you MUST share a common ancestor with that person (grandparent, great-grandparent, great-great grandparent, etc.). Since you and your cousin's cousin from her other side of her family clearly do not share a common ancestor, then you are not related in any way.

No, you don't share any kinship with Ben.

According to Wikipedia, "A cousin is a relative with whom one shares a common grandparent or more distant ancestor, and whio is not in one's own line of descent."

Of course, if you and Ben trace your family trees back far enough, you may be distant cousins.

Unless you have a common ancestor you're not related.

You are not related, no blood link no family link, other than as part of greater family.

Good luck and good hunting