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Position:Home>Genealogy> WHY AM I WHlTE?

Question:I'm full blooded Mexican I was born in Mexico I was raised in Mexico but I have brown hair and green eyes and i'm light skinned. Why is this? Could this mean i'm from Spanish decent? My grandparents are the same.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm full blooded Mexican I was born in Mexico I was raised in Mexico but I have brown hair and green eyes and i'm light skinned. Why is this? Could this mean i'm from Spanish decent? My grandparents are the same.

well probably in your family ur dominant gene is white over dark skin u probably just got stuck with the white skin. Its no problem and besides ur grandparents are white too.

You answered your own question there. Your lighter because your grandparents are and passed the genes to you through your parents.

so whats the problem
in my country too u will c people with colored eyes and light skin but they r from europe
for every rule, there is an exception

it could be a combination of all of your genes from both sides of your family.

due to genes, genes have the proprrety to suppress its properties over generations. & rediscover its property at any generation

Um, yes, I think you answered your own question, honey. You're a descendant of the Spanish colonists, like a great many of your countrymen.

I think so my grandma was the same way she was the only light skinded person in her fam so is my aunt other than that were all brown even me! lol

its because when the spanish invaded central america and mexico they had mixed with native indians and that genetic possibility that you will be white stays with your family

You may be white, but you are not very smart are you ?

god hates you

Spanish descent is a possibility. Or it could be a SIGN. GOGO CHECK IF YOU HAVE SUPERPOWERS!!

Yes, there were lots of conquistadors in Mexico.

maybe you're from Caucasia.

ha. funny.

I am white and I live in Canada, the First Nations people are not white, we immigrated here just like your family did to Mexico, your not Mayan or an Inca are you maybe a light skinned Spaniard or Originally Texican

I'd have a check to see if there were any green eyed milkmen delivering to your house around the time of your conception!

Yep, i believe you're correct... same reason many Arabs have the same typical coloring you do... when Arabs inhabited Spain for 400+ years.

I m white but most of all a human being.But my grandmother came from Poland and her mother from Russia and Indonesia.At my mother s side there s Italian blood and dutch.Both my father and mother are Jewish.I grew up in Holland and my husband comes from Wales.And he s got Irish,Scottish and Welsh blood.We have two children and the oldest looks really Dutch and the little one looks really Welsh.