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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the origin of my name - Oliver- and what's the origin of my second n

Question:just in my english class we were doing about word origins but we never did name origins so i was just wondering.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just in my english class we were doing about word origins but we never did name origins so i was just wondering.

This is what has to say about the names,
English: of Norman, and hence ultimately Germanic, origin. It was first used as the name (French Olivier) of one of Charlemagne's paladins or retainers, the close companion in arms of Roland in the Chanson de Roland. Where Roland is headstrong and rash, Oliver is thoughtful and cautious. Ostensibly this name derives from Late Latin olivarius olive tree (cf. Olive), but Charlemagne's other paladins all bear solidly Germanic names, so it is more probably an altered form of a Germanic name, perhaps a version of Olaf. Cognates: French: Olivier. Scottish Gaelic: Olghar, Oilbhreis.

Pet forms: English: Ollie, Noll.
Last Name
English and Scottish: occupational name for a tailor, from Old French tailleur (Late Latin taliator, from taliare ‘to cut’). The surname is extremely common in Britain and Ireland, and its numbers have been swelled by its adoption as an Americanized form of the numerous equivalent European names, most of which are also very common among Ashkenazic Jews, for example Schneider, Szabó, and Portnov.
Hope this helps.