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Position:Home>Genealogy> If Jesus Christ was born between 7-2 BC, isn't that stupid saying that Chris

Question:They have actually changed BC to mean Before Common Era (BCE as I have learned in my World History Class). It takes away the religious meaning to what we consider BC/AD so we can all talk in the same time period.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: They have actually changed BC to mean Before Common Era (BCE as I have learned in my World History Class). It takes away the religious meaning to what we consider BC/AD so we can all talk in the same time period.

What is your genealogy question? This is not a genealogy question, but you posted it on the genealogy board.

"Although scholars generally believe that Christ was born some years before A.D. 1, the historical evidence is too sketchy to allow a definitive dating". According to the Gospel of Matthew (2:1,16) Herod the Great was alive when Jesus was born, and ordered the Massacre of the Innocents in response to his birth. Blackburn & Holford-Strevens fix Herod's death shortly before Passover in 4 BC, and say that those who accept the story of the Massacre of the Innocents sometimes associate the star that led the Biblical Magi with the planetary conjunction of 15 September 7 BC or Halley's comet of 12 BC; even historians who do not accept the Massacre accept the birth under Herod as a tradition older than the written gospels.

The Gospel of Luke (1:5) states that John the Baptist was at least conceived, if not born, under Herod, and that Christ was conceived while John's mother was in the sixth month of her pregnancy (1:26). Luke's Gospel also states that Christ was born during the reign of Augustus and while Cyrenius (or Quirinius) was the governor of Syria (2:1–2). Blackburn and Holford-Strevens indicate Cyrenius/Quirinius' governorship of Syria began in AD 6, which is incompatible with conception in 4 BC, and say that "St. Luke raises greater difficulty....Most critics therefore discard Luke". Some scholars rely on John's Gospel to place Christ's birth in c.18 BC.

B C before common era

It was 350 years after jesus that the Catholic Church startted the jesus thing .

Biggest moneymaker in the world. "religion "
Biggest cause of wars in the world. "religion "
Too many of ___ all can't be right. "religion "
you had the word STUPID in your question. "religon"

Live right and be rewarded.
just one catch,you have to die first.
not me I live the way I want and answer to no make believe egotistical god.

I don't beleive in satan either.
Withou satan there would be no need for "religon"

Yes I to will die but I don't live in fear of an afterlive.

Once should actually understand FACTS before asking if something is stupid.

The AD (anno domini) and BC (refers to the period PRIOR to AD), was created in what would now be considered AD525 by a monk, Dionysius Exiguus. He based his work on the common year dating scheme of the time, consular dating.

But the biggest fact is that this did not refer to Jesus' birth nor even conception. It refers to Jesus' incarnation. Today that is often synomous with conception, but not back then.

So AD1 (was there an AD0?? another unknown) has nothing to do with Jesus' birth or conception. It is also an approximation because there were errors in the consul list and problems between the start of consular years and Diocletian years.

So first fact problem, AD does not refer to Jesus' birth or conception but rather the nativity or incarnation (had very different meaning back then). 2nd fact problem, BC while does today mean "Before Christ", it in its original form meant the time BEFORE Anno Domini. Time before the nativity or incarnation of Jesus, NOT his birth or conception.

Also, BC was originally AVIDT (note V is actually a "U") and meant ante uero incarnationis dominicae tempus. Translated this means "the time before the Lord's true incarnation". English equivalent is BC, before Christ.

Ethopia (some) today identifies the incarnation with the Annunciation. Thus they use what we call AD9 as the baseline point. This was popular for a while in the past, but today only some people in ethopia still follow this.

Final fact problem. Nobody knows when Jesus was born (or from that conceived). Current historical scholars believe the birth to be "some years before AD1" but there isn't enough historical evidence to identify it more precisely. A recent theory was that the Star of Bethelem was actually Haley's Comet (why not). So they have tried to use astrological data to see when Haley's comet would have been visible around AD1. That would have been about 12BC. There was also a planetary alignment around 7BC which might also be the Star of Bethelhem. Hey, when you are talking 2008 years ago, plus or minus 10 years ain't bad.