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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can i locate someone that has changed their name without knowing their new n

Question:I am looking for an Amy Galvez, she was stationed at Yokota AB and has since gotten a divorce and changed her name. I would like to know how to get information on finding her....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am looking for an Amy Galvez, she was stationed at Yokota AB and has since gotten a divorce and changed her name. I would like to know how to get information on finding her....

start with courthouse that granted her divorce as she may have requested that she change her name back to her maiden name at the time of her divorce. also if you know how to contact her ex-hubby he might know as he might be paying her alimony or child support under the new name

I don't know which state you are in, but in many states, a person can view marriage/divorce records. The divorce file should have her request to go to her maiden name. Also, the United States military has a web site that can help locate personnel. I don't know if the this also applies to former personnel. I can't recall the name of the website, but it ends in mil. Hope this helps in some way.

All name changes are made/ granted in a court of law. Hence there are records. I would look in the records of the courts in the area where the divorce was granted, home town, ect.

If she's still in the military, they'll be able to forward a letter to her. If you think she's been discharged, then you'll need to go to one of the military buddy sites and look there, leave messages, and see if there's anyone on there who kept in contact with her.