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Position:Home>Genealogy> Why are some groups more into their ancestral roots than others?

Question:Some people just seem to be more into their 'roots' than others?

My step-family, for example, is Irish, and really into their roots - as are several other people I know of Irish ancestry.

I'm half-Norwegian, half Ukrainian...and although I find my family history interesting enough, I really don't give a sh*t about my 'roots'.

Does it depend on where you came from that makes you more into your roots?
Or is it just the individual person?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some people just seem to be more into their 'roots' than others?

My step-family, for example, is Irish, and really into their roots - as are several other people I know of Irish ancestry.

I'm half-Norwegian, half Ukrainian...and although I find my family history interesting enough, I really don't give a sh*t about my 'roots'.

Does it depend on where you came from that makes you more into your roots?
Or is it just the individual person?

I believe that it's both a cultural and individual thing. Different cultures put values on different things. You said that your step-family is Irish and are into knowing their ancestry; that could be a value of the Irish.

However, it's also a individual thing. I myself am part Irish, yet I know little of my Irish ancestry. My mother's mother didn't sit me down and tell me tales of my great grandparents or my great great grandparents, etc. None of my grandparents did with the exception of my 100% Italian grandfather.

So in conclusion, I believe it's both. Sorry for the long speal.

I think it is how your family raises you...
If your parents put a lot of store into it i think your more likely to

no it dosen,t really matter about your roots you are you and thats it, you are an individual and you are here through the process of evolution. the gene pool will never stop and perhaps one day the gene pool will come up with another einstein , hawkins mozart shakespeare. in fact i look forward to the next genius being discovered,maybe that should be geniuses ,they are already out there some born and some unborn as yet not yet discovered .we live in a constantly changing world,and with the proliferation of world travel more and more ppl from many diverse countrys and cultures will meet and procreate.adding to the all important gene pool. there are millions of ppl in this world whos potential will never be recognised.

I think it's something passed down from parents and grandparents. If they weren't interested, then you didn't get the training in it. In the case of the Irish (which I am), there's a great tradition of storytelling in the home. That's one way of keeping family memories vibrant and carried on.

It is because of your raising and your own interests..... it is an individual thing...... sometimes a religious thing..... for instance the LDS church encourages everyone to research their genealogy.