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Position:Home>Genealogy> Have you heard of?

Question:Have you ever heard of Andrew Whittle who emigrated to the states in thesixties/ seventies who came from Bolton, Lancashire and went to Holy Infants School ???? He will be around Fifty by now ? please e mail if you know him

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Have you ever heard of Andrew Whittle who emigrated to the states in thesixties/ seventies who came from Bolton, Lancashire and went to Holy Infants School ???? He will be around Fifty by now ? please e mail if you know him

I found a couple of Andrew Whittle's in the USA, but you don't indicate which state he may be living in. Both of them are aged 50. I am unable to post the information on line because it is considered unethical, and I wouldn't know which one of the two men is the Andrew you are looking for.

the best place I can suggest for you is It has numerous Andrew Whittles shown, in different places. You might scan through them to see if any seems to fit your criteria.