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Position:Home>Genealogy> Monaghan family crest?

Question:I'm looking for the family crest of the Tom Monaghan family of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Yes, he DOES have a family crest, to those who want to be board police. I'm just wondering if someone can help me find it. He's a former tiger and has tossed the dough in his life. Now he's the founder of a small Catholic university and law school in A2.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for the family crest of the Tom Monaghan family of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Yes, he DOES have a family crest, to those who want to be board police. I'm just wondering if someone can help me find it. He's a former tiger and has tossed the dough in his life. Now he's the founder of a small Catholic university and law school in A2.

The shield is a great big pizza with lots of pepperoni, italian sausage and mushrooms.It has a baseball and bat in the center. It's being held on both sides by two winking leprechauns. On top of the helm is a harp intertwined with a concertina for a crest.

Here you go girl ! Take a look at the link below.

this will give you all the information you need if you are that gullible.