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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a free registry ?

Question:where you can go and put your info in. and if anyone is looking for other family member the can contact you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: where you can go and put your info in. and if anyone is looking for other family member the can contact you?

Yes, there are many websites that do this. Post your country, area and surname(s) and we'll be able to give you specific websites.

Please tell us if you mean living people or dead ones. It makes a difference. There are real genealogy boards for 50,000 surnames. If, for instance, you were looking for Samuel Pack, b, 175x, died 1833, you would post on the Pack genealogy board. If you were looking for my brother, who you knew in college, you would post elsewhere.

If you are looking for adopted children or biological parents you would post a third place.