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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do you pronounce hmong?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Mong"

"mong", with sort of a ringing -ong. tend the "o" more towards a short "u" sound, like "mung" but rounder.

The "h" is silent. The "mong" rhymes with "song". We had some at our church a few years ago. The family moved to Chico when their eldest daughter got a scholarship. She's a pharmacist now.

At a guess, I would say it's simply "Mong".

I hope this helps!

The H is pronounced like the H in "ha ha ha", and Mong rhymes with long, song, bong, kong, tong, and wong.
The accent in on the first syllable - the H.
Ha" Mong.

(The Hmong Dar people do not include the Mong Leng people - and Miao is an insult akin to barbarian.)