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Position:Home>Genealogy> How much would £75 in 1944 be worth today please?

Question:I did the conversion for you I had to use 1945 as the conversion year for you, I was amazed £75:00 in today's money was actually worth £1:946:25 in 1945, here is the link to the site I used.
Hope this helps.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I did the conversion for you I had to use 1945 as the conversion year for you, I was amazed £75:00 in today's money was actually worth £1:946:25 in 1945, here is the link to the site I used.
Hope this helps.

If it's 75 pounds in currency, it is worth 75 pounds today. If it is 75 pounds in stock, it is worth whatever the stock is worth today, maybe nothing, maybe a gazillion dollars.

If it was invested in 1944, what it is worth today is dependent on what the interest rate has been since then for that investment.

As you can see, there is no single answer to your question. But there are places that try to give some approximation as to what it would take today to buy what 75 pounds would at some earlier point. But of course that all depends on what you are buying. How much was a computer back in 1944? Or a TV set? A loaf of bread?