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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does my last name come from ?

Question:My last name is Place. Its like tottally different, and weird.
You hear, place, and just think of like a place,
not a name. lol, but i wanna non where it comes from.

Any ideas ? or sites i could go to ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My last name is Place. Its like tottally different, and weird.
You hear, place, and just think of like a place,
not a name. lol, but i wanna non where it comes from.

Any ideas ? or sites i could go to ?

It's hard to tell. My last name was so long that when my ancestors came over to Amerca in the 40's, they shortened it to four letters. And now no one knows what the original name was!

You should look back at your ancestry. It's your best bet.

ur parents

ha ha i agree with ryan s

Wait let me look it up .... Hmmm I couldn't find the origin. The best thing you can do is ask your parents about your nationality. I think it's Dutch because I found a last name that was Placen and it was of dutch/swedish origin.

from somewhere named "place" =D

perhaps it was changed during the first world war. During that time german americans changed their names to hide the fact that they were german. It's sad but true.

Your family name might have changed over the generations. I know a family that changed their names from Strycnowitz to Sinclair or something like that. Your family name could have been anything.

do a web search for surname origins

It could be decended from the french surname de plais., but soon later over the years converted to place.

you could ask your parents,

Identify your father
identify HIS father
Identify HIS father
keep going... your surname comes through the father's side each time. The only exception would be if there is a birth where the mothers name is used.
You need to find the paternal ancestor who immigrated to the US, and find HIS place of origin.
PS.. there are sites that claim to have the origin of a name. There is a very big problem with this.. MANY US surnames are not the same as they were originally. Without researching your ancestors, you have no way of knowing what the correct name is/was, and may accept some generic definition that has nothing to do with your family history.

I know, it came from that place...

Are you aware that in the story of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance KId, there was an Etta Place who was involved with both men? She was strikingly beautiful and a good rifle shot.